Regional Representatives

About Regional Reps

Regional Representatives are locally elected or appointed police chiefs representing groups in the geographic vicinity of the state. These individuals serve as liaisons to the association office and the Board of Directors. They serve members of their regions by providing a conduit of information about the interests of the area and the state. There are nine Greater Minnesota regions and one metropolitan region that is comprised of six county associations. 

Duties of Regional Reps

  1. Attend regular (quarterly) committee meetings as a group.  The Regional Representatives, with a Board Representative as Chair, will meet as a whole committee.

  2. Increase communication by:
    1. Sending meeting minutes to Association offices so that they may be summarized for C-Notes.
    2. Providing feedback.

  3. Solicit memberships within the region.

  4. Provide updates on new chiefs, retirements, address changes, etc.

  5. Organize and facilitate meetings of the region's members, as necessary (recommended minimum quarterly meetings).

  6. Facilitate communication with the Board of Directors through the Board Representative.

  7. Be available to meet with the Executive Board at the conferences of the Association or be willing to give a report at the spring or fall Business Meetings of the Association.

  8. Host training sessions.

  9. Participate in informational groups to solicit members' opinions on various legislative issues.


Members only