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Critical Issues: 2024 Fall Webinars Series

A webinar series focused on key issues facing law enforcement today.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 9:00 AM (CDT) to Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 12:00 PM (CDT)

Virtual sessions will be held on Oct. 9, 16, and 30. Each registrant will receive custom links for each session via email.

Explore the Critical Issues Training Series by MCPA, offering a live educational series focused on critical issues facing law enforcement today.

The 2024 Critical Issues will be a fall webinar series that includes three webinars from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on October 9, 16, and 30. Click on the Agenda tab to view the full schedule, including topics, presenters, and bios.

All registrants will receive:

  • A unique (non-shareable) link to join each webinar
  • Calendar reminders
  • A link to the recording can be viewed afterward if a registered attendee is unable to watch the live broadcast.

All sessions other than the Legislative Panel will be eligible for POST credit.

Registration Options: 

Agency Rate - unlimited number of attendees - $650

If you choose this option you will need to e-mail the MCPA office a list of attendees and their e-mail addresses. Specific instructions are in the registration confirmation message.

To sign up for the group rate, click "Register Now" above, select one person from your agency to register, and then click Continue. On the next screen, you can select the group rate. 

Large (15+) Agency - individual - $250
Small (<15) Agency - Individual - $175
Credits Price
Agency - unlimited number of attendees
If you choose this option you will need to e-mail the MCPA office a list of attendees and their e-mail addresses. Specific instructions are in the registration confirmation message.
Credits Price
Large (15+) Agency - individual
Small (<15) Agency - Individual


October 9
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM The Ideal Wellness Program for First Responders Presented by Shauna 'Doc' Springer (bio)

Three common elements can drive the best outcomes for first responder wellness. This talk describes these three components and highlights how they work together. 
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Media Propaganda/Crisis Communications Planning   Presented by Steve Linders (bio)

This presentation will prepare you and your agency for crisis. The importance of developing a communications plan is critical to your agency. 
October 16
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Firearms Restrictions, including Mental Health, ERPOs, and Other Considerations Presented by Joe Van Thomme (bio)

What every agency should know about the new ERPO law and how to handle firearm confiscations.
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Legislative Leader Panel Attendees will hear from the leaders of the House and Senate on issues they see as their priorities for the upcoming session as well as a focus on public safety-related legislation. 

Rep. John Huot (DFL)
Rep. Paul Novotny (R)
Senator Ron Latz (DFL)
Senator Warren Limmer (R)
October 30
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Take Action: Make the R.I.G.H.T. Choice and Intervene Presented by Major Dan Haley (Kansas City P.D.) and Ryan Daugirda (IACP) (bios & course description)
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Bias and De-escalation Presented by Dr. Shawn Moore (bio)

Dr. Moore will provide the most tips and trends on Bias and De-escalation training.

POST credit will be available for the webinar, with 1 hour of general credit and 2 hours for the Mandated Learning Objective of Diversity/Implicit Bias.

An invoice will be automatically generated with this registration. You may pay by credit card using the link provided or print the invoice and forward it to your finance department for processing.  

When registrations are canceled for MCPA training events, the following refund policies will apply:

  • Cancellations requested more than one month prior to the start of the event will receive a full refund, less a cancellation fee of $75 or 25%, whichever is smaller.
  • Cancellations requested two weeks to one month prior to the start of the event will receive a 50% refund.
  • Cancellations requested less than two weeks prior to the start of the event will not be refunded.

Refunds will be issued by check. 

Alternative option to canceling a registration:

  • Agencies may substitute a different attendee to replace the person originally registered. This can be done for additional fees. Agencies should notify MCPA of the change before the class so POST credit can be properly assigned.

Contact the MCPA office at 
651-457-0677 or